Thursday, April 19, 2018

Nequient Interview

1.Can you give us an update on what has been going on with the band since the recording of the new album?

We've played local gigs and did some light touring while continuing to write new material. Though we've taken a while to put out a proper full-length, now that we've settled on a stable lineup and a sound we're happy with, we don't plan to have any long waits between our future releases.

2.You have a new album coming out in May, how would you describe the musical sound that is presented on the recording and also how does it differ from from previous demo's and ep?

A big change was setting aside the buzzsaw-style HM-2 distortion in favor of a cleaner guitar sound where you can pick out individual notes more easily. Our guitarist, Patrick, was the primary composer for this album, so his style guided the songwriting and choices of tones. The riffs have become more complex and varied than on the band's previous releases. I think our d-beat and sludge roots are still readily apparent, but we're also digging deeper into influences from other metal subgenres. There are some rhythmic left turns along the way that allow our drummer, Chris, to show off his chops even more than in the past. Keenan, our bass player, is the most recent addition to the band, and I think he brings a unique melodic sensibility to the low end that adds some really interesting layers to a lot of sections.

3.What are some of the lyrical topics and subjects the band explores with the newer music?

The biggest lyrical inspiration is the current political state of the world, which I find endlessly horrifying and infuriating. The Trump presidency, Brexit, the Flint water crisis, mass shootings, and Middle East turmoil all come up somewhere along the way. I do also find space to address some more personal situations, reference several of my favorite authors, pay tribute to some of the great artists who have died in recent years, and make fun of overly self-important metal guys.

4.What is the meaning and inspiration behind the name 'Nequient'?

It's an archaic term that means "not being able." That gives the name both a certain punk rock snarkiness and the benefit of being good for search engine optimization. We have one of those curious situations where the guitarist and bass player who orginally decided to call the band "Nequient" have since departed at different points over the years, but our sound evolved in an organic enough way that we never felt any need to change it.

5.What are some of the best shows that the band has played over the years and also how would you describe your stage performance?

We've opened for a lot of great bands, but I think we particularly liked playing in a direct support slot for Zeal & Ardor on one of their first U.S. shows late last year. There were some technical hiccups, but it was great playing in a room where people were all so excited to see this band for the first time. On tour, we tend to have the best times in smaller cities, where crowds are a little more enthusiastic and we always seem to make new friends. Places like Bloomington, Indiana and the Quad Cities have been particularly excellent in that way. Also, there was the time we played at an arcade bar here in Chicago with Big Trouble in Little China projected behind us - that was pretty cool.

6.Do you have any touring or show plans once the new album is released?

Yes, we'll be celebrating the album release on May 18th with a weekend of shows in DeKalb, Illinois, Minneapolis, and Chicago. Then, in July, we'll be headed toward the East Coast for several dates that we'll be announcing shortly.

7.The new album is coming out on 'Nefarious Industries', how did you get in contact with this label?

Several bands we knew, like Mine Collapse and Jar'd Loose from Chicago and Tovarish from Rhode Island, had worked with Nefarious in the past, so I dropped them a line. We share in the same DIY ethos, so we've been enjoying working together.

8.On a worldwide level how has the feedback been to your music by fans of extreme metal and hardcore?

It's too early to say, but we've never been the sort of band to worry too much about catering to a particular market or set of tastes. We just try to make music that we're all excited to play.

9.Where do you see the band heading into musically during the future?

The next album will probably have some more collaborative songwriting with both Keenan and Chris contributing more riffs. I think for the most part we'll continue to write fast, heavy hardcore songs with influences from various forms of extreme metal. However, I could definitely see possibilities for some experiments with longer, more conceptual  pieces, as well as some increasingly technically demanding sections.

10.What are some of the bands or musical styles that have had an influence on your music and also what are you listening to nowadays?

The band started from a desire to play crust inspired by bands like Amebix, Disfear, Disrupt, and Skitsystem, along with some Eyehategod-style sludge. Influences from metallic hardcore groups such as Converge, Botch, and Coalesce have definitely come into play on some of the more recent material. We also borrow ideas from old school death metal like Death, Morbid Angel, and Obituary, as well as classic black metal bands like Darkthrone.

So far this year, I've been most enjoying the new albums from Antigama, Rivers of Nihil, Lychgate, and Judas Priest. Probably my most anticipated release for the year is Janelle MonĂ¡e, though, so we'll see how I feel in a couple weeks.

11.What are some of your non musical interests?

I do a lot of reading and writing. I'm particularly into 19th-century British poetry, science fiction, and comic books.

12.Before we wrap up this interview, do you have any final words or thoughts?

Thanks for helping us to get the word out about the record. We can't wait to get on the road and play for some new people.

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